
A fairly up to date resume, but a LONGER (more complete) one is out on my LinkedIn profile complete with "shout out's" and recommendations.
My "Giving Back" presentation(s) for the Denver DEV Day 06-23-2017. A sample app to showcase part of Microsoft's UWP Community Toolkit. I blogged about the event in this post.
Hexagon PPM - I work here as a "Principal Software Architect". Currently working on the Intergraph Smart Licensing team (and it wasn't because of my last name). I used to work for Intergraph Corp. right after college from 1989-1993. None of what I do is public facing, sorry about that.
My previous Denver DEV Day presentation - Entity Framework Core. Officially only presenting THE BASICS instead of intermediate and advanced too.
CiCi @ Spilled Milk Comics - A science fiction comic book mini-series I published back in mid 2002. The source code for the site is out on GitHub.
Check Out My Stuff - A free library site for YOUR stuff that you want to loan out to people (just cause you can and you're nice). Sometimes I'll blog about code, here's one example.
Processing - My latest sample of p5.js.
Processing - Another sample of p5.js using touch.
All of the p5 sample code with links to the "sketches" in the README.
This site's code lives on GitHub [since 10/1/2016].
Idiot Driver - A voice driven twitter client to rant about idiots on the road. Coming soon to the Apple Store and Google Play.